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The benefits to this technique is to keep the harsh texture of the wire coat and give a smooth finish for flat coated breeds.

Apart from the texture it also maintains the beautiful, deep vibrant colour of the coat.

Handstripping is a grooming technique only for certain coat types.

Handstripping is more costly than clipping as it takes time and skill to achieve.

Clipping can replace handstripping however this will damage the hair follicle and in return may alter the coat, for example may grow back softer, thicker, fuzzy or dull in colour.

Recommend grooming every 6 to 12 weeks.

Warm bathing using a natural shampoo for course coats.


Blow dry.


Handstripped to breed standard.


Light trimming if required.


Clipped hygiene areas.


Nails clipped.


Ear cleaning.


Ear plucking if required.

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